sábado, 11 de septiembre de 2010

I’ll have a whiskey with some glacier, please

Visiting Chile’s glacier in Laguna San Rafael was one of the highlights of the Navimag journey, as we were able to disembark from the ship and ride in small boats through a sea of icebergs. Not only did we speed around huge blocks of ice, freshly fallen from the thousand-year old glacier, they served us whiskey on board.

The tour company’s promotional materials said things like “drink whiskey with thousand-year-old ice!” Sounds exciting, right? In my mind, I imagined some bartender using a special ice pick, kitchen-utensil-sized, shaving pristine pieces of ice in our glass before pouring rounds of whiskey. In reality, one of the guides reached a dirty hand into the frigid water, plucking handfuls of floating ice and chucking it onto the boat floor before smashing the ice (on the boat floor) into smaller pieces that would fit into a cocktail glass. Mmmm! At least alcohol kills germs. Still, I had two servings of whiskey. 

The photos tell most of the story...

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